result count: 5

Sys427416_nameAn Ownerless Sword
Sys427416_szquest_accept_detailYou examine the [208396|Magical Sword]...\n\nA name is engraved on the hilt: "Enoch Sidon". There's another inscription next to it: "Please take this sword back to my family."\n\nYou can't find any more traces.
Sys427416_szquest_complete_detailEnoch Sidon? Has something happened? Enoch is my brother. I've not seen him for about three years. One day he vanished without a trace...\n\nThis [208396|Magical Sword] is a family heirloom. My father was extremely upset when my brother just took it. Thank you for bringing it back to us. Now father can be at ease.\n\nYou can spare us the details about my worthless brother. I'm finished with him and I don't care what happened to him.
Sys427416_szquest_descTake the [208396|Magical Sword] to Enoch's family.
Sys427416_szquest_uncomplete_detailEnoch Sidon... I wonder if anybody at the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance] knows that name.