result count: 2

guidiconnamereq levelcoststatsattributetyp/posinformation
579563Wand of the Holy Sky
5531185512721 Ability of the Lost VII 100%
attack speed 2.2
Range: 20
553 Damage (25)
978 Magical Damage (191)
170 Wisdom (5)
730 Healing Power Increase Points (150)
Staff (7)
2-H (3)
PickupBound 1
Unique: 0
AllParty: 0
Depart: 0
579563Holy Sky Long Staff
5531185512838 Ability of the Lost VI 100%
attack speed 2.2
Range: 20
553 Damage (25)
958 Magical Damage (191)
120 Wisdom (5)
480 Healing Power Increase Points (150)
Staff (7)
2-H (3)
PickupBound 1
Unique: 0
AllParty: 0
Depart: 0