ID: 108142

Name: Ellenpain Kuloka
Note: Leader of the rogues at the spring of [ZONE_LAKE_NORKDO|Lake Noktus]. Member of the [SC_PIRATE_FRANK|Franko Pirates]. He has a fondness for the color red and for fighting. Previously also went by the name [SC_PIRATE_STARK|Shotak Pirates] to help find himself a girlfriend. This didn't work, however, and so he is currently still single.
Description: Franko Pirates

Type: Elite(2)
Level: 83+-2
Speed: 100
Searchrange: 100
Followrange: 400

Respawn: 00:01:30
XP: 1.701
TP: 2.552

HP: 648.444
MP: 7.644
PDMG: 4.786
PATK: 13.262
PDEF: 72.413
MATK: 5.445
MDEF: 64.497

259 Damage(25)
83 % Physical Attack Increase(134)
1.003 % Defense Increase(135)
804 % Magical Defense Increase Percentage(170)
-15 % Attack Speed(23)
2.700 % Max HP Increase(167)
5 Parry Rate(22)
5 Physical Critical Hit Rate(18)
5 Dodge(17)

When: Attack(3)
Target: Target(1)
Heavy Attack+10

When: Attack(3)
Target: Enemy_HP_Half(10)
Poison Attack+0

When: Attack(3)
Target: Target(1)
Poison Attack+0

When: AttackHPHalf(4)
Target: Self(0)