result count: 1

guidiconnamecasttimecd group,magicinfo
498566589491Imprisonment Pulse

Sets up an imprisonment field in a designated area, inflicting (DMG-621231) main hand weapon physical DPS on targets. Also reduces [SC_SKILLTIPS_MOVE|Movement Speed] by (Buff0-621232)%. Lasts for (Buff-Time-621232) seconds.
(Reduces target's [SC_SKILLTIPS_MOVE|Movement Speed] by a maximum of (Max-Buff0-621232)%. If the target is a player, this state lasts for (Buff-Time-621290) seconds.)

(This skill stat will increase and decrease based on equipment and target strength.)

cast: 0
>delay: 0
hits: 1
>delay 1
120: 621233
AttackDistance: 150
RangeType: bad_range(3)
>EffectRange: 50
>effectcount: 15
RangeSelect: Circle(0)
>shared: 0