result count: 157

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123202Judi Sil
Jungle of Hortek (28)
2585, 172, 25148
x: 74
y: 16
123203Drake Shin
Jungle of Hortek (28)
2545, 172, 25121
x: 74
y: 17
123204Paron Nadaya
Jungle of Hortek (28)
2616, 172, 25148
x: 74
y: 16
123205Dolian Milli
Jungle of Hortek (28)
2539, 172, 25086
x: 74
y: 17
123206Carolyn Wens
Jungle of Hortek (28)
2556, 172, 25095
x: 74
y: 17
123262Snoop the Stubborn
Jungle of Hortek (28)
2585, 148, 24664
x: 74
y: 20
Jungle of Hortek (28)
-2215, 112, 19782
x: 50
y: 53
426628 Rainbow Stone

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