result count: 76

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124565Resonance Stone Devices
Vortis (37)
-1738, 33, 2883
x: 43
y: 23
427653 Protection of the Resonance Stone Devices
124566Protection Crystal
Vortis (37)
741, 289, 1867
x: 61
y: 33
427666 Remove the Protection Crystals
124567Lump of Desert Salt
Vortis (37)
-155, 316, -2825
x: 54
y: 78
427676 Salt in the Desert
427706 No More Heat Shock
124568Freshly Raised Earth
Vortis (37)
-463, 242, 334
x: 52
y: 48
427682 The Bandits' Hoard
124569Green Sea Algae Grass
Vortis (37)
-2177, 90, 628
x: 40
y: 45
427684 Green Grass of the Path
427710 A Taste of the Sea
124570Turtle Egg
Vortis (37)
1403, 14, 3022
x: 66
y: 22
427693 Collect Tortoise Eggs
427715 The Canines' Staple Food
Vortis (37)
1338, 262, 1622
x: 65
y: 35
427699 Barricades in the Necropolis
427731 Clear Barricades out of the Way
124572Desert Boshi
Vortis (37)
-1248, 75, 3323
x: 46
y: 19
427691 Boshi Milk Express
427714 An Unforgettable Aroma
Vortis (37)
1472, 283, 1779
x: 66
y: 34
427669 Arlya's Conclusions
Vortis (37)
1579, 285, 1451
x: 67
y: 37
427669 Arlya's Conclusions
Vortis (37)
2066, 274, 1555
x: 70
y: 36
427669 Arlya's Conclusions
Vortis (37)
1746, 275, 2074
x: 68
y: 31
427669 Arlya's Conclusions
124577Devil's Paw
Vortis (37)
-914, 39, 2628
x: 49
y: 26
427687 Dangerous Water Mission
427712 A Poisonous Water Resource
124662Member of the Combat Unit of the Hand of Balance
Vortis (37)
-189, 357, -3409
x: 54
y: 84
124663Member of the Combat Unit of the Hand of Balance
Vortis (37)
-119, 354, -3497
x: 55
y: 85
124664Member of the Combat Unit of the Hand of Balance
Vortis (37)
-189, 354, -3493
x: 54
y: 85

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