result count: 7

SAY_100069_0As instructed by the Circle of Zurhidon, we must not take any action against the enemy, or alert them in any way, before the plan has been completed.
SAY_100069_1Don't you worry, we plan to unite the Void with this world, then the ability to leave on your own will be within your grasp.
SAY_100069_2Sir, it seems that the invaders that were just here believe that your strength is a little... er... well, let me put it this way: have you ever had a problem closing doors?
Sys100069_nameZurhidon Disciple
Sys100069_name_pluralZurhidon Disciples
Sys100069_shortnoteZurhidon is a mysterious group that recruits members from many other organizations. Whenever these members carry out assignments, their baggy garments and hoods conceal their true identity. 'Disciple' is the term used for a regular member of the organization.
YELL_100069Your sense of humor is admirable, but we will join the fight to be on the safe side. Please forgive me.