result count: 13

SC_100237_0Great! Great! Isn't this our guest?
SC_100237_1Welcome... to my new home.
SC_100237_2I've only just employed these new servants. They're not very good yet. I do apologize.
SC_100237_3Let me have the honor of entertaining the guests myself.
SC_100237_4[100237|Regin] says: "I'm sorry. I have to prepare for an opera. Please forgive my absence."
SC_100237_5[100237|Regin] says: "When I'm not here, these two will look after guests. Please make yourselves at home."
SC_100237_6[100237|Regin] says: "Everyone has waited a long time."
SC_100237_7[100237|Regin] says: "Today's guests look different from before. It looks like we'll have to bring out our best stuff."
SC_100237_8[100237|Regin] says: "Everyone, please take your assigned places and enjoy our kind hospitality!"
SC_100237_9Unbelievable... that my, the great [100237|Regin's] life would end here...
Sys100237_shortnoteA senior member of the Zurhidon organization that brazenly shows his face in public. Once a magician for the imperial court on the mainland of Kolydia until he was imprisoned after a successful coup against the imperial family. He was later recruited by the Zurhidon.