result count: 10

SC_108684_01[$VAR1] has unlocked the following barrier: [$VAR2].
SC_108684_02The rune required to unlock this barrier is missing.
SC_108684_03If this doesn't go any faster, the enemy will become ever more difficult to defeat.
SC_108684_04The key to unlock the barrier has appeared.
SC_108684_DEATHRescue successful!
SC_108684_ENGAGECareful! If you die with the [123515|Rune of Unlocking] in your hand, the rune will be lost forever.
SC_108684_RAIDToo much time has passed. [108684|Captain Maarsel] won't be able to hold out much longer.
SC_108684_RESETRescue failed!
Sys108684_nameCaptain Maarsel
Sys108684_name_pluralCaptain Maarsel