result count: 11

ST_110406_0Huh? What do you want? Aha! You have heard that I am the most intelligent lady of the Paraclus family, leaders in the field of alchemy. So naturally you sought me out to advance your own skills!
ST_110406_1Sigh... Here comes another. If you need my help with something, my schedule is full for the next month. If you want to learn expert alchemy, you're going to have to rethink things! No one can become an expert in more than three crafting skills!
ST_110406_2Basic alchemy should be learned from Ally. Although she's not an adult yet, don't worry. I will supervise her as she teaches you.
ST_110406_3Wow, it seems you really have a knack for alchemy! While you're obviously not as intelligent as myself, I'm always happy to support those who lag behind me. And I can tell you can find out about the alchemy master in Obsidian Stronghold! But the name of the master is a big secret... You're going to have to find it for yourself.
ST_110406_4Finally! An equal has come to me for learning. Sometimes my talent even takes me by surprise!
ST_110406_5Liar! Are you really the one? Are you really the new legendary alchemist?
Sys110406_nameMary Paraclus
Sys110406_name_pluralMary Paraclus
Sys110406_shortnoteSecond daughter of the Paraclus family; responsible for expert alchemy training.
Sys110406_szquestnpctextHi there! My name is [110406|Mary Paraclus]. I'm in charge of managing the alchemists within the city, as well as teaching students willing to become an expert in the art.\n\n(|cff007f00 Expert|r The upper limit of your alchemy skill will be increased to 60, [SC_CRAFT_MAKELEVEL_02|You can have maximal |cffff00002|r |cff007f00Expert tier|r |cff0000ffproduction skills|r].)
Sys110406_titlenameExpert Alchemy Instructor