result count: 10

SD_110469_0Have you been to Varanas? The mining tutors can be found there. From what I recall, they're in the eastern zone of the lower city. You can learn more there.
SD_110469_1Good! Seldom do I meet someone who agrees so heartily! I can't keep track of how many people have already been scared away today...\n\nDon't think that mining is just for physical exercise! Sure, mining is tiring work, but the ores you gather through mining, once smelted, can be used to make all kinds of weapons, armor and other equipment. This is a very useful skill.\n\nMining is very simple: just click on any pile of ore you come across!\n\nNow head out and unleash that miner's blood in you! Good luck!
SD_110469_2Woodsman [110470|Woody Woods] teaches his craft by the lake next to the Pioneers Colony. In the same village, Alice shows you which herbs can be collected. There are also people who teach crafting skills in Logar. In larger cities like Varanas, you can find instructors for any skill you might want. That's about all I can tell you.
SD_110469_3If you have already learned so much, I think you're asking the wrong person. You should go find a true master craftsmen; they can give you much more knowledge than I can. There are many mercenaries in the Obsidian Stronghold; you should be able to find some information about the masters there.
SD_110469_4I never thought a great miner like you would come to a place like this! It's nice to see you!
SO_110469_1|cff11ffffI want to learn mining.|r
Sys110469_szquestnpctextHave you ever experienced the happiness of mining under the shining sun as sweat rolls off your brow? Perhaps you've felt a different kind of joy from toiling away deep underground?
Sys110469_titlenameMining Instructor