result count: 10

SD_110598_0There is only so much I can teach you! If you want to learn more, I suggest you seek out the carpentry instructors in the western zone of lower Varanas.
SD_110598_1Carpentry requires a lot of patience and concentration!\n\nYou can find the "Carpentry" skill in the "General" tab on the "Skill" interface. In the Carpentry production interface, select the item you want to produce from the production list on the left side of the interface. Then, in the lower right part of the interface, select the quantity to be produced. If you have enough materials in your backpack, press "Produce" to begin work! However, you need to be near Carpentry Tools to do this.\n\nHold on a bit and I'll teach you some basic carpentry skills. After you get the materials, try making something!
SD_110598_2You don't know where to learn crafting skills? I can teach you carpentry, but if that doesn't excite you, Laura in the blacksmith shop can teach you blacksmithing, or you could learn alchemy from Hinhus. Hinhus would be in the cabin to the west. If you want to learn herbalism, head back to the Pioneers Colony, as all the gathering instructors are over there. If that's not the direction you're heading, you can learn any skill in Varanas... Wait! Do you want to learn disenchanting? Art Rellchasio teaches that over by the tavern!
SD_110598_3Woo! You are already a great carpenter! If you want to learn more, you may need to ask a true master carpenter to help you. But finding him... Well, I heard about him while I was visiting the Obsidian Stronghold. Maybe you should ask around over there?
SD_110598_4Are you the great carpenter I've heard so much about? Could you sign my planer?
SO_110598_1|cff11ffffI want to learn carpentry.|r
Sys110598_szquestnpctextIf you learn carpentry, you won't need to pay someone else if you break a table or chair.
Sys110598_titlenameCarpentry Instructor