result count: 12

SC_110811_MASTER_HINTWhat? You came here to study Carpentry? Haven't you already learnt Carpentry? Ah...Ahhhh! I see. You want to learn Master Carpentry. I can...\n\nOh! I can't! My old mind is confused. When I was young I could do it. Now I've totally forgotten...\n\nBut if you can find [115957|Jimmy Lim], that youngster, he will help you. About a year ago he said he was going to [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis]. I have no idea how you'd find him now...
SO_110811_1|cff11ffffI want to study Carpentry.|r
ST_110811_0Who are you? I haven't seen you studying Carpentry for a while!\n\nHuh? I'm wrong? You don't know Carpentry? Then I can teach you! It's very easy!
ST_110811_1First, you need some formulas!\n\nWhen you know a recipe or two, you need to find some tools. Do you know what Carpentry Tools are? They look like the tools next to me here. You need to stand near Carpentry Tools before you can manufacture anything.\n\nNext... Ah... Select "Carpentry" from your "Skills"... Then select the thing you want to create and you're off!
ST_110811_2Cudder? Doesn't look like it! Cudder doesn't have as many Craftsman skills as you... 1, 2, 3... You have six! I can't teach you how to be a Carpentry Craftsman. Huh? You didn't come here for that?
ST_110811_3Who are you looking for? You want to be a Carpentry Expert?\n\nFor that you need to go to Varanas City! Why did you come here. I remember that [110387|Gene Carpenter] is the trainer there...
ST_110811_4What? You came here to study Carpentry? Haven't you already learnt Carpentry? Ah...Ahhhh! I see. You want to learn Master Carpentry. I can...\nOh! I can't! My old mind is confused. When I was young I could do it. Now I've totally forgotten...\nSo you need to go to...who was it...ummm...I can't remember now! Come and find me later. I'll need a few days to think.
ST_110811_5Who are you? Do I know you? I should know a carpenter like yourself! Oh! I'm getting more and more forgetful in my old age!
Sys110811_nameSteve Bos
Sys110811_name_pluralSteve Bos
Sys110811_szquestnpctextWhat? What did you say? Speak up a little!\n\nWhat, you didn't say anything? Didn't you come to learn wood craftsmanship from me? Your current level definitely qualifies you to advance! \n\n(|cff007f00Craftsman|r The upper limit of your carpentry skill will be increased to 40, [SC_CRAFT_MAKELEVEL_01|You can have maximal |cffff00004|r |cff007f00Craftsman tier|r |cff0000ffproduction skills|r].)
Sys110811_titlenameNovice Carpentry Instructor