result count: 9

SC_111619_01Fantastic! I saw the roaring blaze next to you! That was very good! With a good fire like that, you can make an excellent soup!\n\nYou have my respect. You're a great cook!
SC_111619_02Oh! That fire is good! The time is right for you now. You should be showing this to a real master chef!\n\nI heard that there is a master chef in the [ZONE_OBSIDIAN BASTION|Obsidian Stronghold] practicing the craft. You should go there and try your luck!
SC_111619_03A small fire. Hrm! You need to study harder how to make your fire burn hotter! Go to [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] and find [110411|Cartisse Cooker]. He will be able to teach you.
SC_111619_04Oh dear. This is no good. This has nothing to do with your gender! Your fire isn't hot enough. You need to spend some more effort and study. This isn't going to get you anywhere!
SC_111619_05Cooking is the origin of life and fire is its soul. To learn how to cook you need to learn how to master the fire!\n\nIf you go to "Crafting" in the system menu and select "Cooking" you can find the food and desserts you can create. You also need to be near Cooking Utensils and to have the proper ingredients ready. Once you have all these things then you're ready!
Sys111619_nameYork Harris
Sys111619_name_pluralYork Harris
Sys111619_szquestnpctextWho says only women make great soup? Learn cooking with me, I will show you a good soup!
Sys111619_titlenameCooking Instructor