result count: 12

SC_111796_0I am ready.
SC_111796_1Let's start, Master Chailik is here.
SC_111796_2Be careful! It's the masked ones!
SC_111796_3The ceremony is over...
SC_111796_4Due to the regrettable interruption, we will have to start over again.
SC_111796_5Bazzuer, is the name that the Wind Spirit has given me according to the divination.
SC_111796_6Annoying bugs have appeared...
SC_111796_7We will start the ceremony now. The things behind me are for you...
Sys111796_nameMoaf Yemin
Sys111796_name_pluralMoaf Yemin
Sys111796_szquestnpctextIf you meditate, you will be able to feel the strength of the ancestors.
Sys111796_titlenameKarzak Priest