result count: 6

SC_112738_0Inspect the body.
SC_112738_1This corpse shows signs of a miserable death.\n\nOther than the fatal knife wound, you realize that this pitiful victim's body has been affected by poison. Judging by the frightful wound on the back of his neck, it is apparent that a Naga caught him from behind.\n\nYou notice a piece of paper that he is clutching close. It seems as if he wanted to protect it even at the peril of his own life. Maybe you should take this paper back to [112646|Ladi Hiray].
SC_112738_2Take [204472|Intelligence Letter] away.
Sys112738_nameOrder of Dark Glory Mercenary Scout
Sys112738_name_pluralOrder of Dark Glory Mercenary Scouts
Sys112738_szquestnpctext(It looks like he died not long ago. From the bloodstains on the ground he probably died from blood loss.)