result count: 7

SC_112963_0Studying Mining
SC_112963_1Mining? I prefer to think of it as exploring the earth for irresistibly beautiful crystals.\n\nYou may have to carry a pickaxe about with you everywhere and pound away at rocky outcrops, but once the minerals are refined, they turn into beautiful, lustrous metals.\n\nAnd these metals can be made into all kinds of wonderful weapons, armor and other items. They can even become works of art, if the metalsmith is skilled enough. \n\nAs you've shown an interest, I'll teach you this joyful art!
SC_112963_2You have an even deeper connection to rocks than I do, however... it seems we have our differences.\n\nI know that artisans of all kinds gather at the human settlements of [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] and the [ZONE_OBSIDIAN BASTION|Obsidian Stronghold]. Perhaps you can find a kindred spirit there.
Sys112963_szquestnpctextMining? That's what humans call it. I prefer to call myself a mineral connoisseur.
Sys112963_titlenameMining Instructor