result count: 7

SC_112967_0Studying Carpentry
SC_112967_1To forest people like ourselves, carpentry is second nature.\n\nTo open the Carpentry Menu, select the "Carpentry" skill on the "General" tab of the "Skill" interface while you're near "Carpentry Tools". Select the item you want to make from the production list on the left of the interface. You will then be able to start producing all sorts of wooden utensils. \n\nIt sounds easy enough, but you have to accumulate sufficient experience and knowledge to produce more plentiful and exquisite items, so that the dead trees might acquire new life in your hands.
SC_112967_2You seem very interested in carpentry.\n\nI once traveled to the human world. I met lots of interesting people in [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] and the [ZONE_OBSIDIAN BASTION|Obsidian Stronghold] who were also passionate about carpentry and who specialized in different things to me. I suggest you go there and talk to them. The experience would benefit your skills immensely.
Sys112967_szquestnpctextTrees provide us with food and shelter while they are alive and also provide us with the necessary materials for life after they die. It is the responsibility of me as an instructor to let people know how to respectfully use wood.
Sys112967_titlenameCarpentry Instructor