result count: 7

SC_112968_0Studying Alchemy
SC_112968_1Alchemy is the art of manipulating elements according to natural principles.\n\nFirst find some "Alchemy Tools." To open the Alchemy Menu, select the "Alchemy" skill on the "General" tab of the "Skill" interface... Select the item you want to make as well as the quantity to be produced, then hit "Produce". Natural principles will take over and complete the process.\n\nYou can't just focus the method, you have to understand and respect nature if you want to master this skill.
SC_112968_2There are countless alchemists in this world.\n\nMany of their kind congregate in the human settlements of [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] and the [ZONE_OBSIDIAN BASTION|Obsidian Stronghold]. The alchemical fraternity includes those who respect nature and consider alchemy a natural blessing, those who mistakenly use their power to control nature and those who just use it to make money. Go and see them all. By understanding falsity you will come to see the truth.
Sys112968_szquestnpctextNature is like a mighty alchemist. It takes the various elements and cleverly combines them to create this world that cannot be ended by humans...
Sys112968_titlenameAlchemy Instructor