result count: 7

SC_112970_0Studying Cooking
SC_112970_1Ideally, when studying cooking, you'd want to study something artful like Elven cuisine, however, several essential ingredients don't grow around here, so I'll have to stick to teaching you simple recipes.\n\nOpen the "General" tab of the "Skill" interface while you're near "Cooking Utensils" and select the "Cooking" skill to open the Cooking Menu. Then select the recipe you plan to make and press "Produce"...\n\n(Sigh)... we won't be able to express ourselves artistically as these recipes only call for simple techniques.
SC_112970_2Although I specialize in Elven cuisine, I'm also interested in the foods of other races.\n\nI know there are many expert chefs in [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] and the [ZONE_OBSIDIAN BASTION|Obsidian Stronghold], but my commitments keep me here... if you get a chance to meet these people, I'd love to hear about the different cooking methods they use next time we meet.
Sys112970_szquestnpctextFood artistry - this is my work.
Sys112970_titlenameCooking Instructor