result count: 8

SC_112973_0Studying Disenchanting
SC_112973_1How do you use "Disenchanting"?
SC_112973_2Once you've learned disenchanting, you can find this skill on the "General" tab of the "Skill" interface. After left-clicking, click again on the weapon or equipment you wish to disenchant to begin disenchanting.
SC_112973_3Disenchanting dismantles all weapons and armor. Runes can be acquired through the process.\n\nOnce you've learned disenchanting, you can find this skill on the "General" tab of the "Skill" interface. After left-clicking, click again on the weapon or equipment you wish to dismantle to begin disenchanting.
Sys112973_szquestnpctextDisenchanting is about disassembling stuff, and through this process finding the parts that contain power and extracting them. You then use magic to restore their appearance so that they are usable... you should study this kind of skill. It will surely be helpful for you on your future journeys.