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SC_113120_MALA2_00Hahahahaha... I'm [111813|Malatina], an illusionary clown from Illusion World. I'm preparing a most illusionary adventure challenge for you and you only need <CS>30 [<S>203038|Phirius Token Coins]</CS> to play! Hahahahaha... So what do you think, adventurer?
SC_113120_MALA2_01Survival Game
SC_113120_MALA2_02Course of Terror
SC_113120_MALA2_03Hahahahaha... Adventurer, I want to play a game with you this time... A simple game... Hahahahaha. You just need to pass the multiple obstacles within the time limit, and you'll get a treasure chest key to open the treasure chest with. Then the treasure is yours! You only need to spend <CS>30 [<S>203038|Phirius Token Coins]</CS> to play. Do you...want to accept the challenge...adventurer?!
SC_113120_MALA2_04Hahahahaha... Adventurer... Are you excited to see the treasure chests around you?! Come talk to me!
SC_113120_MALA2_05Hahahahaha... Adventurer... Welcome to....Malatina's... Course of Terror... Hahahahaha...
SC_113120_MALA2_06The rules are simple. In each round you just have to pass the obstacles to steal a set number of <CS>keys</CS> and go through the portal to come back here within the time limit, and then you can choose which treasure chests to open! \n\nHahahahaha... There are also 2 <CM>special treasure chests</CM> and <CM>[<S>205791|Precious Keys]</CM> specially used to open these treasure chests that will appear after you meet some other conditions:\n\nSpecial mission one: Pass the 2nd round within <CM>6 minutes</CM> and a special treasure chest will appear. When you reached this target, pass the 3rd round within <CM>3 minutes</CM> and you will receive a [205791|Precious Key].\n\nSpecial mission two: Pass the 3rd round within <CM>9 minutes</CM> and a special treasure chest will appear. When you reached this target, pass the 4th round within <CM>3 minutes</CM> and you will receive a [205791|Precious Key].\n\nHehehehe ... of course the rewards of these special treasure chests are even better.
SC_113120_MALA2_07<CB>Game Tips</CB>
SC_113120_MALA2_08Oh Hahahahaha... True adventurers are always mindful of tips and rules. So let's start!
SC_113120_MALA2_09Adventurer, the test I'm going to give you is called the Course of Terror! To pass it you'll have to use your brain to plan out the best route in a race against time!
SC_113120_MALA2_10If you want to get the treasure, you must remember the six different kinds of obstacles - the magic seals must be released and destroyed!
SC_113120_MALA2_11This is a <CY>[113110|Seal (Giant Vine)]</CY>. <CS>Click</CS> to release it!
SC_113120_MALA2_12This is a released <CY>[113104|Wild Giant Vine]</CY>. If you hack at it, you'll get some branches. You can't get through them, but these branches can be used to <CS>start a fire</CS>... Hahahahaha...
SC_113120_MALA2_13This is a <CY>[113110|Seal (Giant Vine)]</CY>, don't forget! Hahahahaha...
SC_113120_MALA2_14This is a <CY>[113108|Seal (Giant's Iron Barricade)]</CY> . Just <CS>go near it</CS> to release it!
SC_113120_MALA2_15<CY>[<S>102382|Giant's Iron Barricades]</CY> are hard to destroy, but you can use a <CS>[113103|Heavy Artillery Vehicle]</CS> to break them.
SC_113120_MALA2_16You want to know how to use a <CS>[113103|Heavy Artillery Vehicle]</CS>? I'll tell you in a bit, Hahahahaha...
SC_113120_MALA2_17This is a <CY>[113108|Seal (Giant's Iron Barricade)]</CY>, don't forget! Hahahahaha...
SC_113120_MALA2_18This is a <CY>[113109|Seal (Heavy Artillery Vehicle)]</CY> . <CS>Click</CS> to release it!
SC_113120_MALA2_19Operate a <CY>[113103|Heavy Artillery Vehicle]</CY> to gain the ability to perform artillery attacks. Just select the <CY>artillery target</CY> to attack.
SC_113120_MALA2_20You must be sure of the <CY>artillery target</CY> before making your order. Get the angle right so you don't miss, then confirm the <CS>target name</CS>! Hahahahaha...
SC_113120_MALA2_21I'll warn you that a [113103|Heavy Artillery Vehicle] <CS>only has one round</CS>! It's very important to select the correct target!
SC_113120_MALA2_22This is a <CY>[113109|Seal (Heavy Artillery Vehicle)]</CY>. Don't forget it! Hahahahaha...
SC_113120_MALA2_23This is a <CY>[113111|Seal (Void Summoning Barrier)]</CY> . Just go <CS>near it</CS> to release it!
SC_113120_MALA2_24Hahahahaha... Carelessly releasing <CY>[102372|Void Summoning Barrier]</CY> is just the start of your nightmare. It will summon <CS>[<S>102373|Clown Spirits]</CS> that will attack you!
SC_113120_MALA2_25If you defeat the <CS>[102373|Clown Spirit]</CS>, it will be resurrected by the <CY>[102372|Void Summoning Barrier]</CY>. You have to find a way to destroy the <CY>[102372|Void Summoning Barrier]</CY> to stop it!
SC_113120_MALA2_26Whoa! Yes, Hahahahaha... When he is still sealed, use the <CY>[113103|Heavy Artillery Vehicle]</CY> to destroy it.
SC_113120_MALA2_27If you defeat using conventional methods, the <CS>[102373|Clown Spirit]</CS> it will be resurrected a short time later. Of course, there is a better way!
SC_113120_MALA2_28Remember the <CY>[113111|Seal (Void Summoning Barrier)]</CY> first! Hahahahaha...
SC_113120_MALA2_29This is a <CY>[113113|Seal (Mysterious Magic Stone Gate)]</CY>. <CS>Click</CS> to release it!

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