result count: 10

SC_114780_0I want to trade for [<S>206879|Ancient Mementos]...
SC_114780_1Wonderful! Other than that guy beside me, I don't meet too many people who want these [<S>206879|Ancient Mementos]. I'm not interested in his items, but if you want to try, you can take these [<S>206879|Ancient Mementos] and talk to him after we're finished.\n\nSo...How many [<S>206871|White Rothrock Pearls] do you have? [<S>206872|Black Rothrock Pearls]? Or [<S>206873|Sewer Knight Copper Coins]?
SC_114780_2I want to trade 30 [<S>206873|Sewer Knight Copper Coins] for 17 [<S>206879|Ancient Mementos]!
SC_114780_3I want to trade 30 [<S>206871|White Rothrock Pearls] for 20 [<S>206879|Ancient Mementos]!
SC_114780_4I want to trade 30 [<S>206872|Black Rothrock Pearls] for 25 [<S>206879|Ancient Mementos]!
SC_114780_5Uh...I want to trade for something different...
Sys114780_nameBicks Jenry
Sys114780_name_pluralBicks Jenry
Sys114780_szquestnpctextThere is always some shiny lore concealed within shiny items themselves. This is something that I firmly believe in.\n\nCollecting shiny items is currently a hobby of mine. If you have [<S>206871|White Rothrock Pearls], [<S>206872|Black Rothrock Pearls], or [<S>206873|Sewer Knight Copper Coins], then feel free to exchange them with me!
Sys114780_titlenamePearl Collector