result count: 8

SO_GIVEHOMEMAID_117291Wait a second, Nicole just has to write down some data...
SO_GIVEHOMEOKMAID_117291Nicole will help you with the housing application process! Your house number is [$VAR1], and make sure you remember it! This way, [$PLAYERNAME] gets a house of their own like everyone else!
SO_GIVEHOMETALKMAID5_117291Come here [$PLAYERNAME]. This box can hold 20 items, and it's for you. Remember to put it in the house!
SO_NOBUILDHOME_117291There seems to be a small problem, meaning that your application hasn't been processed yet...Come for Nicole? Could you come back later? My apologies, [$PLAYERNAME]...
Sys117291_nameNicole Rebecca
Sys117291_name_pluralNicole Rebecca
Sys117291_szquestnpctext......Wha?! \n\nI thought it was the Captain coming to inspect again! \n\nYou looking for Nicole? Or did you just come back to the cabin to rest?
Sys117291_titlenameHouse Maid