result count: 4

SC_WORKSKILL_122405I'm also trying my best to become a good craftsman. Every piece of wood has its natural form. Only a good carpenter can turn the wood materials into the best things according to their original forms.
Sys122405_nameMonica Demi
Sys122405_szquestnpctext[SC_WORKSKILL_122405|I'm also trying my best to become a good craftsman. Every piece of wood has its natural form. Only a good carpenter can turn the wood materials into the best things according to their original forms.]\n\n(|cff007f00Legend|r The upper limit of your carpentry skill will be increased to 100. [SC_CRAFT_MAKELEVEL_04|You can have maximal |cffff00001|r |cff007f00Legend tier|r |cff0000ffproduction skill|r])
Sys122405_titlenameLegend Carpentry Instructor