result count: 6

SC_MUSIC427914_124839_1Please take the [244294|Unused Firewood] to the [124844|Concert Bonfire] and light it. Afterwards, bring the burning wood back and use it to light the [124845|Concert Fireworks Barrel].
SC_MUSIC427914_124839_2I want you to light the wood at the bonfire, then bring it back and use it to light the fireworks barrel. But... these fuses are all tangled up... well... you know what to do...
Sys124839_nameKurt Nikai
Sys124839_szquestnpctextOh no! Goddammit! The fuses for these fireworks are all knotted up! \nHmm... are you looking for me?
Sys124839_titlenameCentennial Concert Worker