result count: 5

SC_203371First Hint: North of [ZONE_OUTPOST MINES|Hidden Valley Mines] \nSecond Hint: West of [ZONE_MOONSPRING HOLLOW|Moongorge] \nThird Hint: North East of [ZONE_DEADWOOD CAVERN|Dead Tree Cave] \nFourth Hint: South East of [ZONE_DGN_WRETCHED_GROTTO|Barren Caves]\nMysterious Numbers: (50.3, 36.6)
SC_203371_1Cannot use item, must be at least level 10.
Sys203371_nameLola's Treasure Map
Sys203371_name_pluralLola's Treasure Map
Sys203371_shortnoteYou feel compelled to open the final treasure map. You look to see the location of the treasure...