result count: 3

Sys243216_nameAncient Treasure Chest of Splendor
Sys243216_name_pluralAncient Treasure Chests of Splendor
Sys243216_shortnoteYou need an [203178|Ancient Treasure Key], to open it!\n[SC_5YEARS_MES05|Open the treasure chest to obtain <CY>one</CY> of the following items:]\n1 [207147|Small Purified Package],\n1 [202881|Purified Fusion Stone],\n1 [242723|Advanced Starsplinter Star Jewel],\n1 [242724|Advanced Starsplinter Moon Jewel],\n1 [242725|Advanced Starsplinter Sun Jewel],\n1 [242726|Star Jewel of Master's Starsplinter],\n1 [242727|Moon Jewel of Master's Starsplinter],\n1 [242728|Sun Jewel of Master's Starsplinter],\n1 [207774|Advanced Star Jewel - Faith],\n1 [207775|Advanced Moon Jewel - Faith],\n1 [207776|Advanced Sun Jewel - Faith],\n1 [207777|Star Jewel of Master's Faith],\n1 [207778|Moon Jewel of Master's Faith],\n1 [207779|Sun Jewel of Master's Faith],\n1 [201141|Phoenix's Redemption],\n1 [201139|Big Angel's Sigh],\n1 [205548|Backpack Ticket IV (7 Days)]\nor 1 [207748|Bank Space Scroll III (7 Days)].