result count: 6

Sys420065_nameHabits of the Kobolds
Sys420065_shortnoteFailure to get backpack.
Sys420065_szquest_accept_detailHow could the Kobolds of the [ZONE_WAILING MOUNTAINS|Howling Mountains] survive the magical annihilation twelve years ago? This mystery is the main reason I came here with [110062|Furganda].\n\nFirst, I will begin research on the daily habits of the Kobold. Please help me to obtain some of their more common items, such as food, tools and the like. Oh yes, they live in caves, so please get any illumination tools they might use as well.\n\nAlso, the Kobolds normally carry about their equipment in their backpacks, so if you find one, you may find some of these items within.\n\nOf course, I will provide sufficient payment if you can complete these tasks. That is all.
Sys420065_szquest_complete_detailHmmm... Food, tools and illumination device all retrieved.\n\nI thank you kindly for your help. Here is your payment.\n\nOh, wait! I've already thoroughly researched these; go ahead and take them as well.
Sys420065_szquest_descHelp [110491|Katrina], researcher for the Eye of Wisdom, to obtain [200164|Kobold Food], a [200166|Kobold Tool] and a [200165|Kobold Candle].
Sys420065_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe Kobolds normally carry about their equipment in their backpacks, so if you find one, you may find some of these items within