result count: 8

SAY_110051_420066_1Wait a moment.
SAY_110051_420066_2Everything is ready. We'll know the results soon enough...
SAY_110051_420066_3This... well, it doesn't look good.
Sys420066_nameDead Tree Cave Samples
Sys420066_szquest_accept_detailThings are, shall we say, not good. Could you do me a favor?\n\nI analyzed the poisonous liquid of the wild spiders in this area, and found it to be similar to that of common spiders. However, when I checked into it a bit further, I found that there is in fact a tiny bit of magic within it.\n\nInterestingly, the report I got from [110060|Sharlin] indicates that the identical phenomenon was detected in the plants near the Dead Tree Cave.\n\nThe townspeople have told me that the spiders and bats in the caves are much fiercer than in other areas, and now, with news of this magic-tinged liquid... Well, I worry that there may possibly be a demon hidden somewhere within the cave, a demon so powerful that it affects the surrounding creatures.\n\nI need more evidence. Please enter [ZONE_DEADWOOD CAVERN|Dead Tree Cave] and get [200180|Demon Spider Fluid] and [200181|Bat Saliva], so that I can perform further tests.\n\nThis may be very dangerous, so I would suggest finding some likeminded adventurers to help you complete this task.
Sys420066_szquest_complete_detailI have prepared the reagents for testing. Please wait a short while.\n\nThe results will be available soon.
Sys420066_szquest_descThe [110051|Highly-skilled Doctor] in Logar requests that you enter [ZONE_DEADWOOD CAVERN|Dead Tree Cave] in the west and obtain 5 samples of [200180|Demon Spider Fluid] from [<S>100030|Dead Tree Demon Spiders] and 3 samples of [200181|Bat Saliva] from [<S>100205|Dark Bats].
Sys420066_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe townspeople refer to the spiders in the cave as [<S>100030|Dead Tree Demon Spiders], while the bats are known as [<S>100205|Dark Bats]. As you might guess, these two creatures are very fierce, and you must take care in dealing with them.