result count: 5

Sys420080_nameSharlin's Report
Sys420080_szquest_accept_detailOh yes, I had almost forgotten that the [110051|Highly-skilled Doctor] had asked me to give him the [200632|Dead Tree Cave Report]. Could you please take a copy of the report to him when you find the time? He lives in town.
Sys420080_szquest_complete_detailHas it been delivered?\n\nFrankly, the report is less than encouraging; it seems that the cave will require further investigation.
Sys420080_szquest_descBring [110060|Sharlin's] [200632|Dead Tree Cave Report] to the [110051|Highly-skilled Doctor] in [ZONE_ROGSHIRE|Logar].
Sys420080_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhat of the items I've been expecting from [110060|Sharlin]?