result count: 6

Sys420317_nameSound of Wailing Wind
Sys420317_shortnoteMichael needs some wind sounds from the Tower of Wailing Wind to compose some amazing music. Go to the Tower of Wailing Wind and collect some sounds.
Sys420317_szquest_accept_detailI'm missing a sound...\n\nOh! Hello. I am a wandering bard. I was collecting sounds from the natural world. I am looking for a sound which is harmonious and beautiful.\n\nHowever, I am still missing the formidable sound of strong wind rushing through like that in the [ZONE_THE HOWLING SPIRE|Tower of Wailing Wind]. Please don't get me wrong. I only want that sound!\n\nCould I ask you to carry this [200895|Soundgathering Conch] to the [ZONE_THE HOWLING SPIRE|Tower of Wailing Wind] and help me collect the sound?\n\nI think...yes...that place called "The Meeting of the Winds" at the top outside should be the perfect place to collect a pure sample of the noise.
Sys420317_szquest_complete_detailLet me listen!\n\nYes...this is what I want! I'll get a very clear sound here. \n\nYou are a very reliable person. You have my thanks.
Sys420317_szquest_descThe bard [110297|Michael] wants to collect a clear sound sample from the [ZONE_THE HOWLING SPIRE|Tower of Wailing Wind]. Help [110297|Michael] to collect a sound of the wind at the [ZONE_THE HOWLING SPIRE|Tower of Wailing Wind].
Sys420317_szquest_uncomplete_detailSounds that I find in the natural world are the purest. The sound of the wind at the [ZONE_THE HOWLING SPIRE|Tower of Wailing Wind] is so formidable that it terrifies people as soon as they hear it. I will only use it appropriately and I will make it so beautiful that people will never forget it.