result count: 5

Sys420387_nameBring Me a Sharp Axe
Sys420387_szquest_accept_detailWow? You finally figured out what you know how to make so far are just toys. Now you want to see the good stuff, right?\n\nAll right, then! Class has begun!\n\nThe first lesson is... Hmmm... Ok! The first lesson is to prepare a [210164|Sharp Axe]. From this, I will be able to determine if you have the ability to master the fundamentals of blacksmithing. Get to it!
Sys420387_szquest_complete_detail...What's this?\n\nThis is too plain! I mean really... This is the best of what you've learned so far? \n\n...All right! Well, since you have haven't trained too much, I won't make a big deal out of it. Now you want to learn some true skills, and I don't want you telling people you're a student of [110409|Cansie Smith] with those skills. \n\nCome! I will teach you some solid techniques!
Sys420387_szquest_descMake a [210164|Sharp Axe] and give it to Novice Blacksmith Instructor [110409|Cansie Smith] in [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas].
Sys420387_szquest_uncomplete_detailI have yet to see your work. Don't try to flatter me. It will get you nowhere!