result count: 5

Sys420441_nameWinter Spider Specimen
Sys420441_szquest_accept_detailIn the [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow] there lives a special kind of spider known as the [100368|Ystra Winter Spider]. \n\nIts entire body is covered in icy crystal-like bristles. They also say that the fluid which flows inside its body is as cold as ice. It uses a web to trap its prey and then waits until the prey is frozen before eating it, lest the prey's warm blood scald its own internal organs.\n\nI'm very interested in this kind of animal, especially its [200016|Ice-cold Body Fluid], which I believe enables it to survive in the [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow], as well as being the principal reason for its distinctive habits and characteristics. \n\nIf you can, help bring me back the body fluids of a Winter Spider. Only then will I be able to continue my investigations.
Sys420441_szquest_complete_detailOh! Thank you!\n\nThese body fluids feel like real ice, don't you think?\n\nHave a look at this! If I hold it in my hand like so, it begins to boil! \nIsn't that interesting?!
Sys420441_szquest_descHelp [110474|Andrea] at [ZONE_FROSTGLOOM OUTPOST|Winternight Valley Camp] collect 10 flacons of [200016|Ice-cold Body Fluid].
Sys420441_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe Winter Spider's body fluids are very difficult to collect. If you collect some, please preserve it carefully. Remember! Don't put it anywhere warm and also tightly wrap the container in thick furs to maintain its low temperature.