result count: 5

Sys420450_nameIf The Road Won't Turn, Change Your Path
Sys420450_szquest_accept_detail(There are a lot of cuss words written on this order. It seems that the pirates of the area are extremely displeased with this notice, yet nobody has torn it down. Something about this notice is too scary even for them.)\n\nFor various reasons, I cannot personally uphold justice, so I've agreed to give this honor to somebody that can.\n\nPunish six [<S>101573|Port Bandits], six [<S>101566|Port Robbers] and six [<S>101567|Port Rascals] in [ZONE_THE NAMELESS PORT|Nameless Port]. After completing this task, come find me at the small campsite to the north-west of [ZONE_THE NAMELESS PORT|Nameless Port].\n\n(On the bottom of the notice is [112233|Ubame's] signature and on the side is a bunch of foul language.)
Sys420450_szquest_complete_detailIs it you?\n\nGreat. It seems that in the whole of [ZONE_RAVENFELL|Ravenfell], you are the only one that has enough courage to uphold justice.
Sys420450_szquest_desc[112233|Ubame] outside [ZONE_THE NAMELESS PORT|Nameless Port] wants you to go to [ZONE_THE NAMELESS PORT|Nameless Port] and kill 6 [<S>101566|Port Robbers], 6 [<S>101567|Port Rascals] and 6 [<S>101573|Port Bandits]. After finishing, report back to him.
Sys420450_szquest_uncomplete_detailIf you take this job, you better start it right away!\n\nDon't tell me... You're not sympathetic towards them, are you?