result count: 5

Sys420451_nameSilent Concern
Sys420451_szquest_accept_detailPlease go to the coast of [ZONE_THE NAMELESS PORT|Nameless Port] and fetch ten [<S>203645|Wave Flowers], then go find the beautiful [112140|Rose Westwood]. She will definitely agree to buy those flowers.\n\n(This strange notice isn't signed by anybody. You don't know who wants you to do this.)
Sys420451_szquest_complete_detailHey! The first time we lied down together to gaze at the stars, we were surrounded with beautiful [<S>203645|Wave Flowers]... If you don't mind, please sell these flowers to me! Let me reminisce about that wonderful time.
Sys420451_szquest_descThe anonymous poster of this notice wants you to obtain ten [<S>203645|Wave Flowers] and bring them to [112140|Rose Westwood] of [ZONE_THE NAMELESS PORT|Nameless Port].
Sys420451_szquest_uncomplete_detailHey... where did you go?...