result count: 4

Sys420466_nameNeed More Fungus Stems
Sys420466_szquest_accept_detail[110482|Leighton's] Request: \n\n"There will be more adventurers in the future. We will need more [<S>201168|Mushroom Stems] to help with the allergies."\n\nRequires: 10 [<S>201168|Mushroom Stems]\n\nWhen finished, please report back to Pioneers Colony's [110482|Leighton].
Sys420466_szquest_complete_detailGreat! Now we hope this will last.
Sys420466_szquest_descKill [<S>100052|Fungi] to get 10 [<S>201168|Mushroom Stems], and return to Pioneers Colony's [110482|Leighton].