result count: 5

Sys420474_nameInsufficient Repair Materials
Sys420474_szquest_accept_detailHmph... They send us things to repair far too often. Do they just sit around all day banging their tools on rocks, knowing I'm around to fix them?\n\nHere's a bunch that are still awaiting repair, yet the ore I use to fix them is almost all gone. If you want me to repair them sooner so that you can take it back, then you should help me out by going to the new mine to the west of [ZONE_HINTERVALE|Pioneers Colony] and finding [110498|Dingle], so that you can bring back some [201178|Ore for Repairs]!\n\nCome, this is an [201170|Ore Order List]. Take it to [110498|Dingle]. He will know what ore I need.
Sys420474_szquest_complete_detailYou've got [110497|Cid's] [201170|Ore Order List]? Come, let me see.
Sys420474_szquest_descGo to the new mine to the west of [ZONE_HINTERVALE|Pioneers Colony] and find [110498|Dingle]. Bring back the [201178|Ore for Repairs] that [110497|Cid] needs.
Sys420474_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe [ZONE_HINTERVALE|Pioneers Colony] is some distance from Logar, so you'd better set off soon. [110498|Dingle] is at the new mine to the west of [ZONE_HINTERVALE|Pioneers Colony].