result count: 5

Sys420562_namePeace in the Camp
Sys420562_szquest_accept_detailThis quest comes from [111034|Harnidy]:\nThose willing to get rid of [100804|Jumping Grass] can come to me after the work is done and collect a reward. \nNeed: Kill 10 [<S>100804|Jumping Grasses].\nReport to [111034|Harnidy] of the [ZONE_REIFORT POINT|Reifort Camp] after the task is completed.
Sys420562_szquest_complete_detailYes, I have indeed noticed that there is less [100804|Jumping Grass] now. \nNothing can be done. You know that [100804|Jumping Grass] is more tenacious than weeds. If you don't get rid of it on a regular basis, it will cover the mountains and valleys in no time!\nYou did very well. Here is the pay we agreed on.
Sys420562_szquest_descKill 10 [<S>100804|Jumping Grasses] and report to [111034|Harnidy] afterwards.
Sys420562_szquest_uncomplete_detailI can still see [100804|Jumping Grass] from here. Do you think your work is done? I don't believe you.