result count: 5

Sys420564_nameThe Business of Poison
Sys420564_szquest_accept_detailThis quest comes from [111082|Rose]: \nThe [ZONE_BAND OF THE ROSE|Rose Caravan] is purchasing limited, rare [<S>202970|Wetland Poison Frog Gall Bladders]. Interested parties should consult with the caravan captain, [111082|Rose]. \nNeed: 10 [<S>202970|Wetland Poison Frog Gall Bladders].\nGo to the [ZONE_BAND OF THE ROSE|Rose Caravan] and find [111082|Rose] after the task is completed.
Sys420564_szquest_complete_detailHuh? You were succesful!\nOur next exchange will be much smoother now that we \nhave these poisonous frog gall bladders.
Sys420564_szquest_descAfter collecting 10 [<S>202970|Wetland Poison Frog Gall Bladders] from [<S>100740|Wetland Poison Frogs], report back to [111082|Rose].
Sys420564_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou want to go catch [<S>100740|Wetland Poison Frogs]? \nThe frogs hop all over the place and the slime on their bodies is poisonous. Quite demanding, huh?