result count: 5

Sys420570_nameRefreshing the Mind
Sys420570_szquest_accept_detailThis quest is from [111022|Sita] : \nI need 10 [<S>202975|Vitality Bird Pinions]. Only, you can't just pluck them however you want. They are a special kind of feather. You can't even find them on some vitality birds. Willing adventurers can come find me and talk about the details of the job. \nWarning : Members of the expedition shouldn't take this job so as not to neglect the research currently underway. \nNeed : 10 [<S>202975|Vitality Bird Pinions].\nFind Leader [111022|Sita] after the task is completed.
Sys420570_szquest_complete_detailYou got it! Let me see....Right! These are indeed the right kind of feathers. \nThe Whitefurs taught me that when these feathers are placed in a bag and smelled, it will refresh your mind.\n\nThe current results of its use are outstanding. But since our research team is not small we just can't get enough of it. If you are planning on staying here for a period of time, can you come back and help me find more of these feathers?
Sys420570_szquest_descTake 10 [<S>202975|Vitality Bird Pinions] and give them to the leader of Ziwal's expedition [111022|Sita].
Sys420570_szquest_uncomplete_detailYes, you're not a soldier of the Order of Dark Glory. Good. Have you seen this kind of feather?\nYou can't find this kind of feather on a normal vitality bird. Why only certain vitality birds have these special feathers, I have no idea. But these feathers do have some special uses. \nI also learned this from the local Whitefurs after I arrived here. The amount I'm asking for is a little bit large....Ten altogether! Come back and find me if you complete this task.