result count: 8

SC_420627_0This item does not need to be used now.
SC_420627_1You are not close enough to [101841|Strange Organism].
SC_420627_2It has already awoken.
Sys420627_szquest_accept_detailYou've helped us quite a bit. Are you interested in staying to watch?\n\nYou've probably already noticed this creature, right? We found this guy nearby. It wasn't dead but it's probably in a coma.\n\nWe haven't seen this kind of organism nearby before, so we wanted to investigate... We'll have to wake it up before we start. It should wake up if you put this bottle of [204431|Awakening Potion] in its mouth.\n\nTo avoid danger, I'll use this [204430|Lokatamu Mushroom] powder to make it sleep if necessary.
Sys420627_szquest_complete_detail...This creature... did it just talk...?
Sys420627_szquest_descUse the [204431|Awakening Potion] to awaken the creature in front of [112718|Lisha Ditket] in the garrison near the [ZONE_ANARMO HAMLET|Ayam Clan] in the east of [ZONE_BOULDERWIND|Boulderwind Village].
Sys420627_szquest_uncomplete_detailCome! Let's see what kind of creature this is!