result count: 8

SAY_420635_0Warning! You've gone too far!
SAY_420635_1You failed at this quest! You have to abandon it and re-accept it!
SAY_420635_2Not enough energy. Returning to matrix!
Sys420635_nameThe Box...
Sys420635_szquest_accept_detail(The sound of the box beeping echoes in your ears. Suddenly the beeping stops. You wonder what's happened when the box suddenly rips open!)\n\nInside the box is a machine in the shape of a human. It starts moving!\n\nThe machine starts moving in the direction of [ZONE_SNOWHORN|Snowhorn]. You watch it move away from you and you wonder if you should follow it...
Sys420635_szquest_complete_detail(The box starts to make noises. They're a lot quieter though. You lean in to hear what it's saying.)\n\nWarning! Not enough energy! Sampling failed! Warning! Not enough energy! Sampling failed! (It repeats.)
Sys420635_szquest_descProtect the [100650|Active Medium] on its way.
Sys420635_szquest_uncomplete_detailNot enough energy. Sampling failed!