result count: 5

Sys420645_nameBring Me Ash
Sys420645_szquest_accept_detailA woodcutting Craftsman... I could see that.\n\nThough it is very hard job, someone will always have to do it. After all, there are a lot of things in the world which need wood. If there is no woodcutters, this world would be very different!\n\nHmm... But I can't just give you Craftsman qualifications free of charge. You must first hand in 20 chunks of [200293|Ash Wood]. This is the common practice in the industry. Since you want to be a Craftsman, you'll have to remember this!
Sys420645_szquest_complete_detail1, 2, 3... Yup, you got 20. \n\nVery good. You are now qualified to be a Craftsman Woodcutter. Of course, it is not enough just having qualifications. I also need to teach you something. \n\nOk! Let's begin!
Sys420645_szquest_descBring 20 chunks of [200293|Ash Wood] to [110815|Josie Akesh], Novice Woodcutting Instructor at the [ZONE_OBSIDIAN BASTION|Obsidian Stronghold].
Sys420645_szquest_uncomplete_detailI am busy! Can we talk about this later?