result count: 5

Sys420647_nameIt's moist and cold.
Sys420647_szquest_accept_detailThis place is moist and cold! [110873|Anslie] can't concentrate!\n\n[110873|Anslie] wants a big fire!\n\nAt the cyclopes there is a [110878|Broken Goods Cart], go there and get some wood!
Sys420647_szquest_complete_detailGood wood! Fire likes to eat wood!
Sys420647_szquest_descFind the [110878|Broken Goods Cart] which was destroyed by the Cyclopes. Get the [201626|Timber] on top of the train and bring it to [110873|Anslie].
Sys420647_szquest_uncomplete_detailToo cold! Too cold! [110873|Anslie] too cold!