result count: 4

Sys420660_nameReport In
Sys420660_szquest_accept_detailThank you for accepting the Silvershadow Adventurers' Association's request to head over to [ZONE_HINTERVALE|Pioneers Colony] to lend a hand.\n\nFor more information, I believe [110482|Leighton] of [ZONE_HINTERVALE|Pioneers Colony] can tell you more, but please do hurry! I'm sure he will be happy to see you.\n\n<CS>Moving and Rotating the Camera:\nYou can move your character by pressing W, A, S, or D, or by left-clicking anywhere on the ground. You can rotate the camera by pressing Q or E, or holding down the right button and moving the mouse around. Roll the mouse wheel forward to zoom in, and roll it back to zoom out.</CS>
Sys420660_szquest_complete_detailWelcome to [ZONE_HINTERVALE|Pioneers Colony]. I'm [110482|Leighton], leader of the pioneers party.\n\nThe [ZONE_HINTERVALE|Pioneers Colony] has just been established, and many of our operations need the help of you adventurer-types! Ahhh-achoo!\n\nSorry, so many things need to be done, and my allergy to that blasted fungus spore is acting up again. My nose feels a bit... odd...\n\nAchoo... aaaachoo! Sorry, let me sneeze for a while. Come back later!\n\nAchoo...aaachoo...aaaaaachooooooo!!! Wow, I feel much better now...
Sys420660_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_HINTERVALE|Pioneers Colony] to report in to [110482|Leighton], the leader of the pioneers party.