result count: 7

SO_420740_1Do you have more clothes that you can give me?
ST_420740_1No problem! I have some spare clothing right here - take it!\nBut what do you want to do with it? \nI thought you city people would think that our clothing was trite.
Sys420740_nameRescuing Melody
Sys420740_szquest_accept_detailDon't attack me, I'm not a Harpy...\n\nI am from the continent of Kolydia. I drank a potion to disguise myself as a Harpy to steal their eggs and sell them. But now I can't leave because the disguise was too successful.\n\nThe worst part is that they discovered the clothing that I was going to wear after removing the disguise and treated it like a toy. They tore it up and threw it who knows where. Don't look at me! I feel embarrassingly naked...\n\nCan you help me find some clothes? Even if I do find a chance to run away, I can't do it naked!\n\nI know that [ZONE_WIND WILD|Tempest Height] is around here. Please bring me something they wear there!
Sys420740_szquest_complete_detail...\n\nThis is troublesome...I forgot that the female Barbarians of [ZONE_WIND WILD|Tempest Height] wear nothing but this...\n\nBut at least I will have something to wear once I remove the disguise, so thank you...
Sys420740_szquest_descGet female clothing from [ZONE_WIND WILD|Tempest Height] and give it to [110911|Melody] disguising as a Harpy at [ZONE_HAWKS SCAR|Hawk's Cliff].
Sys420740_szquest_uncomplete_detailShh...Don't attract the Harpies' attention.\n\nDid you get the clothes? Don't look at me!