result count: 5

Sys420764_szquest_accept_detailTo hide the truth, leader [110917|Kusa] has to kill her people with her own hands! She must be in so much pain!\n\nIf we can discover a type of drug to knock them unconscious before they uncover the truth, then the number of sacrifices will decrease...\n\nI have researched many different methods, but none of them have the right effect. I have a new method that needs some materials. Please bring me 25 [<S>201643|Black Rock Scorpion Tail Glands], I would like to see how effective this material is...
Sys420764_szquest_complete_detailI will be able to test this new anesthetic with these, thank you so much!
Sys420764_szquest_descBring back enough [201643|Black Rock Scorpion Tail Gland] to Shaman [111312|Benni].
Sys420764_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhen will this stop...