result count: 5

Sys420780_nameMyrmex Research
Sys420780_szquest_accept_detailI am [110342|Harlem]. Because there are Myrmex rampaging everywhere, the Order of Dark Glory requested that my ecology research team create a [200952|Myrmex Poison]. \n\nI want 20 [<S>201320|Myrmex Skulls] from inside the [ZONE_KALTUROK HIVE|Kal Turok Hive] to continue my research on the physical attributes of the Myrmex. Will you accept this quest?
Sys420780_szquest_complete_detailThank you. Now I can continue my research. I need to know what Myrmex eat. Then I can work on developing a poison to control their population.
Sys420780_szquest_descGo to the [ZONE_KALTUROK HIVE|Kal Turok Hive], collect 20 [<S>201320|Myrmex Skulls] and give them to ecology research team leader [110342|Harlem].
Sys420780_szquest_uncomplete_detailI need 20 [<S>201320|Myrmex Skulls] from [ZONE_KALTUROK HIVE|Kal Turok Hive] to continue my research. Could I ask you to get them for me?