result count: 5

Sys420785_nameI Hate That Flavor
Sys420785_szquest_accept_detailHave you...seen [110874|Kinger]?\n\nI'm in charge of transporting materials to the research team transporter, but I don't want to go to him...\n\nYou want to know why? Do you have to ask?! Have you lost your sense of smell?\n\nFine then, if you can stand him...You can do it for me! Don't loiter, Ailic's Community is best known for it's transport. Are you going to help me?
Sys420785_szquest_complete_detailHmm? Why have you brought it? Well, whatever. I don't really want to see her either. She always looks at me with a weird expression in the face.
Sys420785_szquest_descTake [201319|Ailic's Goods] to [110874|Kinger].
Sys420785_szquest_uncomplete_detailGreat! I don't want to see that idiot anyway! You're a good person.